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September 2020

An Interview: Nørus

Nørus is a Brazilian based artist who co-founded the brilliant Yellow Island Records, a Label full of wonderful effervescent sounds inspired by the creative and chaotic environment of São Paulo. I was lucky enough to be able to talk to him about his journey so far. Hey Felipe, great to… Read More »An Interview: Nørus

An Interview: Betina Quest

betina quest is a Burundian by origin who was born and raised in Germany. In her quest for what it means to exist in and consist of many different cultures she’s spent 15 years exploring the world, living, working and creating in five countries on four different continents before finally… Read More »An Interview: Betina Quest

All Gus No Fuss IV

I miss clubs, and writing about these three releases has been tricky. When lockdown began I started making a mental list of music I was waiting to hear in a dark room with a heavy sound-system. As that list grows weekly, almost daily, the feeling of suspense and anguish grows… Read More »All Gus No Fuss IV