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A Review: Dekmantel Selectors 2017

[Above image credit: Kasia Zacharko] Deciding between the plethora of summer festivals on offer is often an arduous task. However, the selectors festival stood out to the Mantissa crew due to its size, secluded feel and the guarantee of beautiful Croatian summer sunshine. On top of this, a festival run by… Read More »A Review: Dekmantel Selectors 2017

A Review: Percolate Open Air

[Above image credit: Michael Njunge and Gemma Bell – Here & Now] London is a city with an ever-changing and pioneering dance scene. While cities such as Berlin and Amsterdam boast many well respected and protected clubs, London clubs face a constant fight against closure and gentrification. While this could be… Read More »A Review: Percolate Open Air

An Interview: Blint

  (Above photo courtesy of Matthew Wood) Blint (aka Felix Nisble) is a veteran of the DJing world, based in Bochum and having played all over Germany. He is the founder of the label Blintmusik, of which the current releases seem to revolve around a theme of hypnotic, broken, and… Read More »An Interview: Blint

Tune(s) of the Week: Larry Heard, Mr. White – The Sun Can't Compare / Theo Parrish – Summertime is Here

As anticipation increases amongst the Mantissa crew for Sunfall 2017 we’re sharing a brace of sunshine themed classics from two of the artists we are most eager to see, Larry Heard and Theo Parrish. Released in 2006, Larry Heard’s The Sun Can’t Compare still sounds as fresh as ever. Revered… Read More »Tune(s) of the Week: Larry Heard, Mr. White – The Sun Can't Compare / Theo Parrish – Summertime is Here